Fri 03 Jan
Hot,Sexy,SuPeR BaD ReDBoNe**♥♥** 60$ Special《★5★ 《Young, Fly,BADD》★5★》WhY Go ThErE N Im ♥HeEe♥ - 24
(Columbus, columbus..IN or OUTCALLS ANYTIME24/7)
I can PROMISE you WILL leave me 100% Satisfied. *SWEET MEXICAN* - 22
(Manhattan (world trade center))
Foot Fetish work .. for ladies .. part time work .. shoe size 7 and a .. or smaller - 39
(hour north of Grand Central in Westch)
B E I N G ~ ~N A U G H T Y~ ~I S~ ~A L L~ ~I~ ~K N O W~ ~MAKE A WISH $$$PECIAL$$$ - 21
SEXY and💯🅰UTHENTIC® New in town 😊Come have the time of your life with a Cuban Mami 💋 4434427094 - 19
(Germantown/ Gaithersburg / silver spring, Southern Maryland)
REAL 🌺NEW EXOTIC!!!🌅 Sexy Filipina from the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS🌴🌴 specials!!! - 25
(Southern Maryland, Gaithersburg, Rockville, Bethesda)
PHATTEST ASS in THE CITY 😍😍bubbles😍😍 Prettiest TITTIES YOU'LL ever see! - 27
(Camp springs❤BUBBLES❤camp springs, Southern Maryland)
Latina Sara ♡ From Brazil♡ 202_907_93_86♡ specialSsss today♡ call me now papi♡ - 29
(Southern Maryland, clinton md oxon hill bowie md)
NEW Pics █ ☆ Gorgeous Southern Bell ☆ █ RAVE REVIEWS - 27
(Waldorf Ins/Outs RAVE REVIEWS 129524)
JerZEy fINesT 42ddd ***speCial*** CaN U HanDle Me?*** Yes I am very pretty and phat ta def.*** - 25
(oxon hill, dc, forrest heigts)
💎💎💎-:¦:-S i N F U L L ¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG -:¦:- - 20
(South Coast, in/out)
🍰🍥🍧(HOT)🍩🍬(BRUNETTE)🍭 (YOUR°💋) °°•★•°°(G_O_N_N_A) °°•★•°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★•°°(M_E_) °°•★•° - 23
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Outcall)
Brunette Beauty..... Brunette Beauty..... Brunette Beauty..... Brunette Beauty..... - 27
(Salem Incall/Outcall)
Backpage users: protect your constitutional more - 21
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, everywhere)
HeY GuyS> > > > > CANDY is here to PLeaSe* * * * * * * * * * * * - 23
3 HoT Girls . CommIng to your town NoW.. ... .. Wana Play with Us??? - 26
(Salem, PDX- SaLEM- EuGeen -- I5)
*****CoMPLETE KNoCKOUT Latina GoDdeSS_ JAw DRoPpiN CuRvEs _100% ReaL PhoToS**** - 19
🌹🌹Brunette Latina Playmate- SEXY little Secret..shhhhhh🌹🌹LEAVING 11AM💛💙💎CALi GiRL💎💛💙 - 19
(Portland, Portland airport Area 💎💎)
Xperienced woman BUT my FIRST TIME on backpage Been There Done That and Couples too I'm Crystal - 35
(Philadelphia, exton malvern wayne lansdale phila)
🚨🎄🎁🎄🚨💢DeCembeR Is HeRe FeLLAs Soo LeT Me B Ur 🎅Ho🎅Ho🎅Ho..BOOK NOW..🚨🎄🎁🎄🚨🚨 - - 27
(Ask For In call Location/OutCall, Center City, Philadelphia)
💖30min/80min💋 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ 👅T!GHT👍 &&🔥💕 👉A∂∂ictive ❣ 💛 ITALIAN HoTtiE💖 - 25
(Northeast, Philadelphia, Roosevelt Blvd// Outcall)
New 🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼Sexy Korea 🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼Young sweet Asian Girl 🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼 shower 🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼🐉🌼together so much fun 🌼 - 22
(Chicago, Chicago Belmont and halsted, City of Chicago)
Let Me Warm You Up ♥ ♡ Curvy Bombshell ♥ ♡ Back By Popular Demand - 21
(Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg♥Harrisburg)
▓▓ ▓▓ ▓▓ AmY & Jennifer available for Outcall ▓▓ , - 22
(Philadelphia, Glenside, Jenkintown NE, City Outcalls)
Specials... Pure Jamaican Goddess... exotic & nasty No 1 CaN 🐎🐎RiDe it LiKe Me🦄🦄100%Stallion - 25
(Oxon hill ft Washington national harbor, Southern Maryland)
(___tiiGht EyEs ;) cUtE fACe ❤ dONt wAiit !! bEF0RE itS t0O lAte. . . !___) - 24
💖Sweet, Smart & Sexy! 💖Mature Curvy Redhead 💖YourPleasure IsMyPleasure💖💖 - 25
(Southern Maryland, Waldorf)
Shy Girl Turned Freak! Gorgeous Red Latina ! *Bilingual* - 19
(Southern Maryland, Crofton/Annapolis/Glen Burnie)
1 DAY ONLY!! BUSTY TREAT 🍭🍭🍬🍬36DDD-26-36 🍎🍎 An Amazing Choice ✅✅ Visiting South Shore - 27
(South Coast, Your place)
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆ (G_o_R_g_ E_o_U_s )(_S_e_X_y_) (BRUNETTE) ☆ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) - 21
(Brockton, ❤ Incalls & Outcalls❤)
(((( Sexy Hot Asian ))))) ☆ -- 34D -- ☆-- Outcall Only --☆-- ☆ - 21
(South Coast, ------outcall only 857-312-3798 -------)
💛❤️BROCKTON OUTS🍒 AmAziNg❤️💛💦CoMe PLaY WiTh Me 💦❤️#1 MoSt WaNtEd💦🔥💦SwEeT 🍓🔥🍓SE❌ii LATINA 💛 - 21
(South Coast, South Shore Outcalls Only)
CLICK HERE!💋 💋 Ex○TiC💣💣💣 S_ E_ X_ X_ X_Y💣 B_ O_ M_ B_ S_H _E _L_L_S💣💣💣2Girls - - 22 - 23 - 22
HORMONES FREE!! Dominant & Submissive Transexual 💦👄💰Smooth skin 💝100% ME👩 Curvy Body nice tits. - 22
(Harrisburg, Upscale Harrisburgh Area)
*** Snowbunny , Hunny *** SWeeT & SeXy ***** Reviewed Lovely ****irish playmate:-) - 22
(Salem, outcalls all areas inncall)
Im The Teacher, Your Late For Class BadBoy *!**!*__ *!* EBONY*!*__ *!*! GRAT RATS - 23
(Philadelphia, Front&Fisher;(NrthEst))
Hey gentlemen! Sexy, experienced ladies here to cater to you!!! - 22
(Philadelphia, Philly,outside area)
******Click Here *** Knockout Maxim Latin Playmate*****You Need to see***** - 29
(Philadelphia, king of prussia/incall&upscale; outcalls)
♧♣♧♥♡♥¤☆★☆ incall specials as low as $100 ☆★☆¤♥♡♥♧♣♧ - 23
(Scranton, wilkes barre scranton Hazleton)
(( ★ _ MAiN ATTRACTiONS_ ★ )) — ( HOTT SPECIAL$! )available - 27
(Orlando, East Orlando / UCF / Winter Pk In / Out)
NO EXP Female Escorts: Contact TONIGHT -- WORK TONIGHT -- GUARANTEED! We need you immediately!! - 41
(Milwaukee, Centrally Located in Milwaukee.)
SeXy Young Blonde BOMBSHELL Rachel - Independent and PERFECT for You - 19
(Milwaukee, Incalls and Outcalls)
WARNING!!! Highly Addictive ;)💰💳💵 - 24
(Kop, Philadelphia, malvern, and Exton., Philadelphia, Southwest)
OUT-CALL Credit Ok 2-Girl Special.2 Beautiful Ladies For Your Massage Etc 24:7 Your Location - 23
(OUT-CALL Credit Ok Phila & Surrounding)
OUT-CALL Credit Ok Nights 2 Remember w/Some1 You Can't Ever Forget Massage Etc Ur Location 24:7 - 21
(Philadelphia, OUT-CALLCreditOkPhilly&SurrdgEtc;)
Thu 02 Jan
LEGENDARY Film Star GINGER LEA... Playboy & Penthouse TV... Debuting NNJ! - 28
★▇█▇█▇█▇★ ▇█▇█▇█▇★Korean★▇█▇█▇█▇★ INCALL ONLY★▇█▇█▇█▇★ SEXY ★ NURU★▇█▇█▇█▇ ★▇█▇█▇█▇★347-399-9441❤21❤ - 21
(Worcester, Framingham / INCALL only)
PETITE 💃blonde 👯 SWEET😘 treat🍭💕💋 check my pictures📷 TRY NOT to lick👅your lips👄100% real👏 - 22
(Worcester, Milford ma)
New❤___❤SO ° •H •°_•O• _°•T•°_°• _ AND SEXY •°• ❤___❤100 Special Now ! - 22
(Worcester, Worcest, Milford, Westborough in/out)